Brooks looked great and right on track. He weighed in right at 20lbs (10-25%), 31 inches (75-90&) and his head was somewhere in the 10-25% range. All that means is that he is longer and still skinny with a slighter larger head compared to our last visit. He is definitely growing. He had 4 pretty painful shots today. This nurse was not near as fast as poking him with the seemed to drag on forever. He definitely cried harder this time. And the poor kid was already a little grumpy because he was so hungry since we were in there for over an hour!! I took him to Chick-fil-a for lunch as a special treat, which just means that mommy is really the one who got the special treat. We shared.
Let's see...what is Brooks doing these days now that he is one...He totally knows how to say please. It just clicked the other day and now he says it all the time. I try to get him to say it before I give him food or something to drink. But Brooks does it all day to try and get things. He says please when we're doing something that he doesn't like; like changing his diaper or putting him in the carseat. He said please alot today in the doctor's office.
He is "swimming" like a champ. He absolutely LOVES swim class.
He is labeling things. He points to dogs a mile away, "duh", he'll say. He also happens to think that any animal that has four legs might be a dog...squirrel or deer. My favorite is that we have this cow in our kitchen that he has recently noticed. He'll point and say, "duh". And I'll say, "No, Brooks. Cow. COW. C-O-W. Moooooooo." It's located way up high, so he'll go below it and reach up as high as he can (not even getting close to the cow), and he'll point and he's starting to say, "mmm". That's pretty cute.
He doesn't say a lot, other than babble, but he knows things. You can ask him to find things like fan, mom, dad, or ball, and he usually points and says some kind of sound like he's telling you about it. He loves to talk.
He still loves books. I think books could keep him entertained all day. Sometimes I have to hide the books during nap time because otherwise he'll stare at them and not go to sleep.
Here's a recent picture of my little man. I think it's my new favorite. It only took me about 30 shots to get this one. I think I might have to frame it. (Although I just realized that it looks like he has boogers, but really it's just dirt. He was filthy that day. It's still my favorite.)
So, now Brooks is just one and two days...not as exciting. But it's still weird to tell people that he's one. One seems so much bigger than 11 months.