I have been trying to get a picture of Brooks' top teeth, but it is near impossible. We took a cute picture together the other day and I noticed you could see his top teeth. So...I cropped and zoomed in and there they are. You might notice the Brooks' teeth are similar to that of a vampire or a hockey player. He actually does have the other two teeth in the middle, but they are too small to see. This smile just cracks me up!
Brooks usually just follows us around the house and finds things to do wherever we are. We spent lots of time in the kitchen making meals or cleaning up meals that have just been eaten. Brooks is finding plenty to do in the kitchen..but not necessarily things I want him to be doing. Brooks has recently put 2 pieces of dog food in his mouth at a time (don't worry I got them out before he actually ate them). He discovered Kansas' water bowl and thinks it's lots of fun to splash around. He loves the game where he gets to open and close the kitchen cabinets. He has hit his head once and slammed his finger in the cabinet once. He pulls all kinds of things out of the fridge, the most recent being a gallon of milk. This kid is full on wonder and perhaps a little bit of mischief. Since these pictures we have latched up the kitchen cabinets, and have to keep a close eye on Brooks around Kansas' food/water. The fridge, however, is just too fun!