Tuesday, September 1, 2009

14 Months

Another month has gone by in Brooks' life, and with it comes more adventures! Brooks is totally confident walking and "running" all over the place. He loves playing hide-and-seek and tackling Kansas. Daddy also taught him how to play in a tent. By that I mean that Chad holds a blanket over their heads and Brooks just laughs. So now, if you ask him to make a tent, he'll take the blanket and hold it over his head...it's pretty cute. He still loves reading his books. He even has one Baby Einstein book with "wormy" on every page and he can find him on every page. Sometimes "wormy" is really small! He is starting to repeat things that we say by just repeating a sound of the word. We were in the bath tonight and I asked him to get his blue octopus. He found it and I kept saying, "OCTOPUS, OCTOPUS, OCTOPUS". Brooks watched my mouth closely before he said, "/O/, /O/, /O/", and then he said "octa". We took turns:
Mommy: "OCTOPUS"
Brooks: "octa"
Mommy: "OCTOPUS"
Brooks: "octa"
Well, you get the idea. I was pretty impressed.
He says "dada" really well when he says Chad, but only really says "mama" when he needs something or he's upset about something. Being away from him at work is still incredibly hard, but I love it when I come home and he runs into my arms (he never did that before).
He is definitely changing daily and growing into a fun little boy!


megan said...

he is as cute as ever, and I'm very impressed with his vocab!

Jennifer said...

such a good talker...he sure is sweet!

cmf9ferrell said...

aww I want to hear him talk!! Have him call me one day to chat ;)