My mom came down back in April and helped us plant an adorable little garden. We used some old bricks to section it off in the back corner of our yard. We bought some lettuce seeds and spinach seeds along with a pepper plant, a cherry tomato plant, 3 large tomato plants, and a zucchini plant. I was so excited when the garden began to flourish immediately. Of course, that was back before the drought. My zucchini plant had tons of yellow flowers but now the plant looks like it's dead. I do have some lettuce growing and possibly some spinach. The problem with the spinach is that I'm not sure if it's spinach growing or just weeds. I guess I have to wait and see. (I keep watering it just in case.) The cherry tomato plant is doing the best. Brooks and I went out last week and picked a couple of tomatoes.
He loves looking at the garden and watching it grow. It's a fun project that we can do together and hopefully we'll get more vegetables despite the drought.
Brooks played a big part in getting the garden started back in April.
My little helper. Look at how much the garden has grown!
He was so excited to show off his tomatoes that he picked.
We used the tomatoes in our salad for lunch.