Thursday, August 6, 2009

Blog Overload

I am just realizing that my blog time is going to be cut significantly with me going back to work. I am very sad about that. I like to journal Brooks' growth and fun times. I am going to do my best to keep up with it. It is hard to believe that it is already August, and I feel like we've done so much. Some friends from college came down to hang out: Melissa, and Justin, and their son, Ethan, all joined us for a quick weekend. We went to the park, shared snowcones, played in the water fountains at the mall, ate yogurt, etc. It was also fun after the kids went to bed, and the adults got to hang out. We don't get to hang out with friends like that anymore. Thanks Clark Family for a wonderful weekend.

The other day, Brooks and I drove out by Fredricksburg to visit some friends at their family ranch. Now, let me back-up and give you some details on these friends: My dear friend from HS, Weston, and my dear friend from college, Stephanie. So, before my wedding I realized that these two people in my life had very similar interests. They both loved climbing, hiking, biking, and anything else outdoors. They were both laid back and fun people. All of a sudden I realized that they were perfect for each other. And what better way to meet than at my wedding. So I started preparing them to meet their future spouse. Nobody believed me. 7 years later they have two children and have been happily married for 5 years. So, Brooks and I got to hang out at the Ernst Family Ranch where we saw cows, fed the horses, went romping in the jeep, played in the sandbox, and went swimming. It was a wonderful day with old friends.

And, some of my favorite new pictures of our recent fun together...
Brooks is officially a toddler. Walking around the house like a drunken old man:

Brooks has discovered the guitar and loves to pound the strings. It pretty much sounds just like August Rush.

Sometimes all our running around really wears him out. On this particular day, I forget his night-night blanket at home, so we used a beach towel as a substitute:

Kansas and B are Best Buds. Kansas loves to come into Brooks' room to get him up from his nap. I absolutely LOVE this picture:


cmf9ferrell said...

I love the picture of B and Kansas!! So cute!

Devon said...

Wow, I haven't seen Weston in I don't know how long. I am glad to see he is doing well. That last picture of Brooks and Kansas is definitely a framer. I love the huge grin. :)

Jennifer said...

yea for walking the pic of Brooks and Kansas.