Thursday, April 29, 2010

Brooks has an announcement to make...

(I tried to get him to smile...he just wasn't that into it)
Baby Hoffman is due to arrive November 30th.
Please pray for a healthy pregnancy without the complications that I had with Brooks. The possible of it happening again are pretty high. That also means that an earlier than usually birth is possible. Just pray that God will give us the strength to deal with whatever comes our way. Thanks for sharing this journey with us through prayer. We feel so blessed to be adding to our family!


Devon said...

Yay Hoffman family!! I am so excited for you guys! Can't wait to meet the new little one. :)

megan said...

So excited for y'all!! I'll be praying for an easy and healthy pregnancy. Brooks non-smiling face is cracking me up...he's thrilled at the idea of a baby sister or brother!

Jessica said...

Congratulations! That's such exciting news! I'll be praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby!

Jason & Jessica said...

CONGRATS!!! That is wonderful news!!!

The Lewis Family said...

Woohoo!! So excited for you!

cmf9ferrell said...

Yea!! Can't wait to meet baby #2!! Love you!!

Young Marrieds Class said...

Brooks is going to be a great big brother. You are in our prayers for a healthy pregnancy and full term baby. What an amazing blessing!!!

kel said...

congratulations! i'm so excited for you! john's mom told me last week but i wasn't sure if it was public knowledge yet. yay for baby #2!!

kcolegrove said...

Congratulations!!!!! We are all so happy for you and miss you all terribly!