Thursday, April 1, 2010

SomeBUNNY is pretty darn cute...

Brooks had a special brunch at school today and they got their faces painted in the afternoon. I would have loved to see my son sit still long enough for her to paint his face. I swear Ms. Kelly has magically powers! On the way home from school I kept telling Brooks what a cute little bunny he was. And he would respond, "no". And I'd say, "Yes're a bunny!" And he'd say, "no". This when on for the entire ride home because I thought it was funny. As a 21 month old, he is starting to put little 2-3 word sentences together:
> Most of his sentences end with "Mommy": "More snack, Mommy" "More milk, Mommy." "No, Mommy!" "Go outside, Mommy?" You get the drift.
> He'll hide his bear under his blanket and say, "Where'd he go?!" He'll go ahead and answer himself, "I don't know?!" Then he'll reveal the bear that was hiding and say, "There he is!" It's pretty entertaining
> "I love you, Mommy!"
> "Night, night Daddy?"
> "Here's a stick!"
> And our favorite, "Hook 'em!" (it's a work in progress)
As a 21 month old he is also becoming more independent and confident in himself. He has pretty much mastered eating with a fork and spoon. He still is messy, but he gets 90% of it in his mouth, 5% on the floor and the other 5% in his lap...not too bad. He still eats like a champ and is constantly asking for a bite of our food. Chad is still working on sharing, so Brooks doesn't even really bother with him, and he'll come straight to me. I'm such a sucker when he says, "A bite, Mommy?!" The newest things he has tried are sun-dried tomatoes and dried fruit. He's a fan of them both. But I think he would eat those little mini breakfast sausages everyday if he could.
He is also remembering more from day to day. This is helping with discipline so I can say things like, "Do you need to go to your room?" He can remember how much he hates going to his room by himself and he usually stops whatever he's doing. His increased memory is also fun for other reasons: We always stop and get the mail together (since we have a community mailbox). We sing a little mail song and he gets really excited. Whenever we're driving in that direction, even when we're not getting the mail, he'll sing, "MAIL!" I thought it was a coincidence, but now I've noticed that he does it every time. He also knows when we're driving down our street and he'll say, "Home, Mommy!"
He doesn't sit still for long, but when he does it's usually for a sweet hug and a kiss. Poor kid - I smoother him with hugs and kisses all day because I want him to be loving towards others. He's starting to catch on. And when he tells me he loves me, my heart just, I love that kid!

1 comment:

cmf9ferrell said...

You have such a cute bunny!!! :)